Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Update on Clark

It's funny how I've been finding out how people are getting attached to my frogs almost as much as me, even though they've never met them. Well, I have some more news about Clark, who went missing when I first moved in. We had to move pretty much everything in the bedroom to make room for the loft assembly, and after moving the bed, I found that Clark had decided to hide in the one place that I would be guaranteed not to find him - deep under the bed, and I am sad to say that he didn't make it. I guess it's better to know what happened to him then to always wonder, but it was a very sad moment. Plans are being made for a memorial service where we will bury him next to the puddle at the cabin where he came from this spring.

Lewis has fattened up considerably since Clark has been gone, as Lewis was always a little bit stupider than Clark. Clark would immediately swoop down and start gobbling up the flies when feeding time came, but Lewis tends to dink around, and eventually come down and look at the flies for about 10 minutes, and then decide they might be tasty. Needless to say, not having competition has been good for him. His terrarium is coming along, so I will post pictures once Lewis is all moved in.

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